
Have you bought a presale? It’s time to line up your financing!

So you had the excitement of buying a presale condo, you put down that deposit and felt so happy that you had made a commitment to your future! Now it’s getting closer to that great building being completed, it’ll be ready soon but are you? With prices adjusting and all ...

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Buyers Market, Bubble, Crash, Sky High Prices… Are you Afraid to Move Forward?

Do you really want find a new home or need to move? If you do, what matters is your life, lifestyle and family harmony. Remember the dizzying days of multiple offers all but a year or so ago? If you found the home you loved you were willing to go ...

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Taking the Stress Out of Selling your Home

For some people, the thought of listing their home for sale is very stressful. They worry about all the things they have to do and all the things that might go wrong. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some tips for making your home sale go ...

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